The New Smart
Redefining the Paideia Program for Our Times

The New Smart: How Nurturing Creativity Will Help Children Thrive, by NPC Director Dr. Terry Roberts, is a riveting study of the kinds of minds that will succeed in the 21st century. The primary ingredient in future success is not “intelligence” but creativity.
In the book, Dr. Roberts defines the creative personality that will thrive in 2050 and, even more importantly, describes the kind of schools we need in order to produce that personality. Rather than standardized schools intended to produce standardized minds, we need schools that nurture creativity across the broad range of human endeavor, schools that have these important characteristics:
- They feature cross-curricular and multidisciplinary work more than subject-specific work.
- They address the many multiple intelligences both separately and in creative blends.
- They feature a faculty who are themselves experts in their fields, creating multiple master-and-apprentice opportunities.
- They offer ample opportunity for students to work in teams as well as through individual performance.
- They stress group and individual assessment that is ongoing and collaborative rather than standardized and summative.
- They stress quality production and performance based on multiple drafts or repeated practices and rehearsals.
- They teach the use of technology for research or production and minimize internet and social media distractions.
- They feature learning experiences that foster resilience and focus rather than compliance and certainty.
- They create these experiences for all students, not for a select few.
Order your copy of The New Smart today and join those dedicated to creating Paideia Schools for Creative Thinking.
Special Offer for Purchases of 30 Copies or More
If you would like to sponsor a staff or community discussion of this paradigm-shifting look at contemporary education, contact the Center for a special offer. If you purchase 30 or more copies of the book, Dr. Roberts will join you in a staff or community seminar program for the cost of his travel expenses only, because he feels that this work and these insights are so important to our common cause.