Paideia Today

Moving forward, the NPC has redefined its mission of educational transformation to include the following:  

  • A new school certification and accreditation program focused on creating contemporary Schools for Creative Thinking;
  • Levels of Paideia Program achieveme
    nt, including Seminar Certification, Classroom Certification, Project Certification, and whole-school Accreditation;
  • An expanded definition of the Paideia Seminar as a fully realized literacy cycle that teaches critical thinking and communication skills; and
  • A library of hundreds of contemporary Paideia Seminar Lesson Plans, accessible through partnership with the NPC by way of a schoolwide contract or through participation in one of our training events. We also offer a sampling of free seminar plans to explore.

Like many sustainable organizations that flourish over time, the NPC continues to evolve both as an organization and in its role relative to the schools and school systems it serves. The educational universe is home to a constantly shifting array of programs designed to create equity, balance literacy, and foster critical thinking; in contrast, the NPC continues to showcase the Paideia Seminar and the Paideia Project, long-established classroom practices that simultaneously deliver the curriculum while providing equal access to intellectual rigor. Our mission is carried out by a small core staff that is advised by a distinguished Board of Directors.