On-Site Schoolwide Training

The National Paideia Center has offered on-site professional development at schools across the United States for more than 25 years. We feature a per-day training fee structure that includes planning, travel expenses, and training fees (materials costs are separate, based on the number of staff being trained).
We offer the following professional development opportunities for school communities desiring to create the most powerful instructional programs for all their students. These two- or three-day trainings can be used to further a school’s progress toward certification in any of the three areas, plus eventual accreditation as a Paideia School for Creative Thinking. These trainings are also typically followed by several days of technical support, also on-site in the school.
The Paideia Seminar is an integrated literacy cycle built around formal instruction in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and thinking. The purpose of Paideia Seminar is to develop and advance students’ ability to think conceptually and communicate collaboratively.
The fully functional Paideia Classroom makes use of three separate but complementary "columns" of teaching and learning: didactic instruction of information, intellectual coaching of academic skills, and facilitated seminar discussion of ideas. Teachers will learn to analyze all three columns and design a fully integrated instructional model to use each day in the classroom.
The Paideia Project culminates in quality student products for a real-world audience. The planning process builds authentic units of study so teachers learn to analyze components of successful projects and receive training to help design powerful and memorable Paideia projects for a classroom or school.
Leading Paideia Implementation is a three-day session for school-based Paideia leadership teams, designed to inspire administrators, teachers, and facilitators to take Paideia implementation to the next level of development. A collaborative assessment with Paideia staff will assess the current status of a school’s Paideia program and work closely to plan the coming year’s implementation goals and strategy. In addition, this intensive session will both build the camaraderie and skill of a school’s team and focus its energies on common goals. Although integral to schoolwide training of entire faculties, this component of our training is generally held as a stand-alone workshop in the summer and is also open to Paideia leadership teams from other schools.
Paideia Schools for Creative Thinking
Ultimately, these on-site training programs can lead to Paideia School Accreditation. The Paideia School for Creative Thinking is the cornerstone of Paideia school transformation and development, and our staff can help you determine which path is best for your school community. To arrange on-site, schoolwide training, email the National Paideia Center at info@paideia.org or call 828-575-5592. We will be happy to talk with you about your goals and work with you to create a practical plan to bring Paideia to your school.